Urban Sustainability

The Cities Hub work is centered around Sustainable Development Goal 11. This SDG 11 focuses on making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. Cities have dense, diverse and dynamic populations, activities and spatial configurations that all interconnect. This forms the basis of complex urban sustainability challenges.

The image of the SGD wedding cake shows this as interactions between the biosphere (or ecology), society (or the human) and economy within sustainability. It places different SDGs within different partitions of the cake and the ‘urban SDG’ (SDG 11) is placed with the ‘society’ partition.

Cities are made by humans and the social dimension is a very logical entry-point for understanding them. The Cities Hub also emphasizes the importance of this social dimension in urban sustainability. We use a holistic definition of sustainability that sees how the social, the ecological and economic dimension are inherently connected with each other.

The SDG ‘Wedding Cake’, Credit: Azote for Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University (CC BY 4.0), accessible via: https://www.stockholmresilience.org/images/18.36c25848153d54bdba33ec9b/1465905797608/sdgs-food-azote.jpg