
"Critical raw materials in aviation" with R. Joensuu (TU Delft)

Every second Wednesday of the month, the Circular Industries Hub organises the Circular Industries TalksOn Wednesday September 28th, Roosa Joensuu (Master student Aerospace Engineering, TU Delft) joined us as a guest speaker. In her lecture, Roosa talked about her research into critical materials and electric aviation, which she did with the Circular Aviation Lab.

Critical raw materials in aviation

Roosa Joensuu

The transition towards a sustainable and more digital economy poses a challenge: how can the supply of raw materials meet the urgent growth in demand? Simultaneously, the aviation sector is shifting to greener energy sources, which also means that new propulsion system designs, components, and materials are needed.

The transition towards a sustainable and more digital economy poses a challenge: how can the supply of raw materials meet the urgent growth in demand?

How can the aviation sector manage the use of raw materials that are required across all strategic sectors? Circular economy strategies can be applied to reduce demand, but can they meet the strict performance requirements in aviation?

Critical Raw Materials in an Aircraft

Curious about Roosa Joensuu's talk? 

Watch it here

The Circular Industries talks

The goal of the Circular Industries talks is to share knowledge across Leiden, Delft and Erasmus and to complement and deepen the knowledge already available within the Circular Industries Hub. The talks are organized on Wednesday morning from 10:00 to 11:00. The talks are online (Microsoft Teams). Next up in the CI Talks:  Jojo Nem Singh (12 October)