Innovation Café Inclusive City Hub

Start date
End date
Groot Handelsgebouw Rotterdam - Stationsplein 45 - entrance A Unit A1.196

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About the event:

On 31 January 2019, the LDE Inclusive City Hub organises a session to present and discuss the preliminary results of its research cases. 

During the afternoon we will listen to pitches from students, researchers and involved stakeholders. This session will give you insights in our research projects for inclusive & circular city districts. The master students of the inclusive city hub will give a short pitch about the cases they are working on, which are:

  • First case: Innovative solutions for waste collection in high-rise Rotterdam 
  • Second case: Participatory urban development in Delft

The Innovation Cafe will be organised in two parallel sessions with presentations from stakeholders, researchers and students. Each session is organised around one of the cases: innovative waste collection and participatory urban development. 

Speakers & Topics

Dries ZimmermannDries Zimmerman  - Municipality Rotterdam 
Topic: Ideas for a new circular waste system



Emma WisseEmma Wisse -  Graduated at TU Delft, Integrated Product Design
Topic: Researching innovations for non-recyclable domestic plastic waste



Wim BosschaartWim Bosschaart - PhD Student Spatial Communication Radboud University
Topic: Conversations towards healthy landscape



Natasha Viering Natasha Viering - Projectleider Participatie & Sr. communicatieadviseur Omgevingswet TU Delft
Topic:  Participatory urban development



Please register here!

The Inclusive City Hub is part of the Cities Hub: an interdisciplinary research programme where students and academia are working together with stakeholders from practice.  Read more about the Inclusive City Hub!