"Growing with Green steel": changing the way we produce and process steel

Dutch citizens use an average of 1 kilo of steel per day each, throughout their lives. We use steel for construction, cars, cutlery, but also for the production of windmills and batteries. Steel is everywhere. We need a lot of it for the energy transition. But emissions are a threat to the climate, the environment and our health. Emissions must therefore go to zero as soon as possible.
Funding for consortium ‘ Growing with Green Steel ’
We need to completely change the way we produce and process steel. To do so, many new technologies are needed. The consortium ‘ Growing with Green Steel ’ unites Dutch universities and companies with only one mission: to combine knowledge and ambition and to use it to green steel production worldwide.
The ‘Growing with Green Steel’ program has now received 100 million euros from the National Growth Fund. Over the course of eight years, this program is dedicated to revolutionizing the steel industry with the purpose of creating a circular and CO2-neutral steel sector by 2050. Its approach involves the development of cutting-edge technologies and processes centred around hydrogen and renewable energy sources. Technological innovations throughout the entire value chain and required societal changes are topcis of research.

Several universities, research institutes and industrial parties are part of this consortium, which is led by the Materials innovation institute M2i, among them Leiden University and TU Delft.

Source video: Materials innovation institute M2i
Read more on the website of TU Delft
Read more on the website of Leiden University
Find out more about the ‘Growing with Green Steel’ program