
"Dreaming of circularity in a linear society" with David Klein (TU Delft)

Every second Wednesday, the Circular Industries Talks are organised at the Circular Industries Hub. This edition, David Klein, Sustainable Concept Designer & Product Champion at TU Delft, presented about his ideas about circularity, economy, and governance. Curious for more? Take a look at the recording at the bottom of this page.

Dreaming of circularity in a linear society

David Klein

The natural economy is circular and has endured for roughly 4 billion years. In fact, apart from some hick-ups like the meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs, it has gradually grown to become ever more diverse and magnificent.

What needs to change before circularity can become as mainstream in manmade society as it is in the natural world?

Over the course of especially the last Century, our manmade economy has become increasingly linear. And it’s already running out of oxygen. We’re increasingly building up an ecological dept and leaving the bill for future generations. Climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution with forever chemicals, ocean acidification, disruption of the nitrogen cycle and so on.

We’ve known this for decades and yet: we don’t seem to be able to change course. At least: not until all the richest mines are depleted and all the fossil fuels are burned up.

How come? What’s holding us back? What needs to change before circularity can become as mainstream in manmade society as it is in the natural world?

Curious about the whole story? Listen to David Klein, about circularity, economy, and governance.

Watch it here

The Circular Industries talks

The goal of the Circular Industries talks is to share knowledge across Leiden, Delft and Erasmus and to complement and deepen the knowledge already available within the Circular Industries Hub. The talks are organized on Wednesday morning from 10:00 to 11:00. The talks are online (Microsoft Teams).