Before the Flood - A reflection

Before the Flood is a documentary that exposes the harmful effects of climate change and proposes a call to action. Read more for a short reflection from our student's community board!

After the release of Before the Flood last October, TU Delft seized the opportunity to organize a movie night in collaboration with us, Leiden Delft Erasmus Centre for Sustainability, and Fossil Free Delft. On March 16th, 2017 the film was  shown in TUDelft’s Aula Auditorium.

Panel discussion

After the documentary  a panel session was conducted and mediated by David Peck. All important aspects of climate change were discussed including;

  • Who is ultimately responsible for climate change and who should lead this transition?
  • How can we make people care about climate change?
  • Lessons learned from history

It is mentioned that causing the general public to feel guilty does not incentivize a call to action. Therefore, we must look for another solution. However; we can wonder, who should take this responsibility? Maybe the responsibility does not fall on the shoulders of the general public but government and big companies? David Peck led a clever but entertaining discussion giving rise to an overall positive energy in the room.

Thank you all for coming, we hope to see you at one of our next events!

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Centre for Sustainability Student's Community - Facebook