Does Sustainability Cause Inequality? A lecture by Shivant Jhagroe

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End date
Living Lab, Schouwburgstraat 2, 2511 VA The Hague

On 10/10, the Day of Sustainability, we will have a lecture by Dr. Shivant Jhagroe on the theme of sustainability and inequality.


The event, titled "Does sustainability cause inequality" will be led by Dr. Shivant Jhagroe, assistant professor at Leiden University's faculty of Governance and Global Affairs.

Jhagroe explores the concept of an 'eco-elite', and questions whether the current approach towards sustainability creates inequality in society: 
"The advantage of an economic approach to sustainability is, that if innovations can create profit, they will be there to stay. However, the question is whether these sustainable products are real solutions, if they are only used by a small fraction of the population. The electric Tesla is a fantastic invention, but also a terrible one. The cobalt used in the battery is mined by young children in Congo, according to Amnesty International. Good and clean cars? Not affordable.
In the supermarket, one can find bananas with a quality approval sticker, and right next to them, unmarked bananas for a significantly lower price."

"Apart from this question of who can afford green products, there is also the question of whether these 'greener' products are the right solution. For example, one can question whether electric cars should be promoted, or whether public transportation should be improved and promoted for more common us.
From here, we finally arrive at the question of the 'green' privileges of the elite, who are the only ones that can afford 'to live sustainable' by 'being green'."
Does this eco-elite contribute to create a better world, or just do it for prestige?

Join us at the lecture and discussion on 10 October 2018, at the Living Lab at Schouwburgstraat 2, in the Hague.

17:00-17:30       Walk-in, with (vegetarian) snacks provided
17:30-18:30       Lecture and Q&A by Shivant Jhagroe
18:30 onwards:  Drinks and discussion

Sign up for the event here:



Additional articles to read in preparation of the event: 
(in Dutch)